Christa Blümlinger
Christa Blümlinger (Université Paris 8 Vincennes-Saint-Denis)
Memory and Projection
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The perception of cinematic images is properly bound to memory processes of both cultural and individual origin. Against this background, the lecture will consider the phenomenon of the reprise in the context of the projection apparatus, which is distinguished precisely by the fact that it makes images appear by allowing for other, already viewed, images to disappear. The lecture will be based on films by the American artist Bruce Conner, among others.
Christa Blümlinger is a Professor for Film Studies at the University of Paris 8, Vincennes-Saint Denis. She is on the advisory committee for the Forum Expanded/Berlinale and has curated for and served on juries at numerous international film festivals. She has numerous publications in the areas of film theory, documentary and avantgarde film, as well as media art. German book publications include: Writings of Serge Daney: Von der Welt ins Bild. Augenzeugenberichte eines Cinephilen. Berlin: Vorwerk 8, 2000 (Editor); Das Gesicht im Zeitalter des bewegten Bildes (ed. with Karl Sierek, Wien, Sonderzahl, 2002); and Kino aus zweiter Hand. Formen materieller Aneignung im Film und in der Medienkunst (Vorwerk 8, 2009). She recently published the French-language book, Théâtres de la mémoire – images en mouvement, Reihe Théorème 14, ed. with Michèle Lagny, Sylvie Lindeperg et. al., PSN, Paris, 2011.